SY 365H

#prospecting ·2024-07-17

SY365H parameter configuration:

rotational speed: 9.5 rpm travel speed: 5.5/3.5 km/h bucket capacity: 1.6(Rock)1 in addition, the model also has the following features and technical specifications: overall weight: 36,800 kg bucket capacity: 1.9 m3 power: 210/1900 kw/RPM engine: Isuzu 6HK1, direct injection, 6-cylinder 4-stroke, turbocharged intercooling, water cooling, displacement 7.79 L, maximum torque 1080/1500n · m/RPM, rated power 210/1900KW/RPM2 walking speed: 5.5/3.5 km/h climbing capacity: 35 ° rotation speed: 9.2 RPM ground pressure: 67kPa bucket digging force: 235kN Bucket Rod Digging Force: 210kN23SY365H-9 excavator with its excellent performance and reliability, it has been widely used in earth and stone engineering, Stone Engineering, mining, railway/tunnel construction and other fields. It is an ideal choice for high efficiency and energy saving.

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