CAT 315D2

#prospecting ·2024-07-17

CAT315D2 wheel excavator parameter configuration: Engine Specification:Engine Model CAT C4.4 ACERT, rated Power 101 kW (137 hp) , maximum torque 550 N · m, rated speed 2000 R/min, total displacement 4.4 l, cylinder number is 4, cylinder diameter is 105mm, stroke is 127mm. Performance parameters: working weight range is 13500-15200kg, bucket capacity is 0.20-0.76 m3, walking speed (high/low) is 37.0/13.0 km/h, rotation speed is 10.5 rpm, climbing ability is 58% . 13 hydraulic system: the main overflow setting pressure is 350 bar, the maximum flow rate is 180 l/min, the maximum pressure is 35,000 kPa. Other parameters: fuel tank capacity of 235l, hydraulic tank capacity of 95L, engine oil replacement capacity of 8L. 23


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