#prospecting ·2024-07-17

Komat 'Su PC200 excavator is a crawler excavator,its technical parameters are as follows: the excavator machine working weight of 19.6 tons. The capacity of a shovel bucket. The bucket capacity is 0.37 cubic metres. Engine power. Total power is 123.2 kw (168PS) . Size. Full length of 9505 mm, full width of 2980 mm, full height (to the top of the cab) of 3045 mm. Performance parameter. Maximum walking speed (high speed) is 5.5 kilometre per hour, medium speed is 4.1 kilometre per hour and low speed is 3.0 kilometre per hour. Digging power. The maximum excavating force of the bucket is 149 kn, and the maximum excavating force of the bucket rod is 108 kn. The engine. The engine is SAA6D107E-3 with a rated speed of 2000 rpm and a displacement of 6.69 liters.

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