#prospecting ·2024-07-17

SY650 excavator parameters

Sy650 excavator is a large hydraulic excavator, configuration parameters: the whole machine weight of 65,000 kg, bucket capacity range of 3.8-4.5 M3, engine power of 350/1800 kw/rpm. It is equipped with Isuzu 6WG1 engine in the form of direct injection, 6-cylinder 4-stroke, turbocharged intercooled, water-cooled, with a displacement of 15.681 l and a maximum torque of 2050/1300 N · m/RPM. The performance parameters of SY650H excavator include walking speed of 4.6/3.1 km/h, climbing ability of 35 ° , turning speed of 7.3 rpm, earthing pressure of 105 kpa, excavating force of Bucket 340 kn, excavating force of Bucket Rod 293 kn. In addition, the excavator SY650HB-S model is specially designed to be equipped with a crusher, with a rated power of 350kW/1800rpm, a machine weight of 65000kg, and a standard crusher size of 215mm, it is suitable for crushing pavement, bedrock and mining under heavy load conditions

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